AOK History

Who decides what is history?

The End of History: Academic historians are destroying their own discipline

France and the World Cup

  • How does this story link to history?
  • Should the French media, politicians, footballers refer to the players as only French?

China & Genghis Khan

Can history be real?

Can Historians Be Traumatized by History?

Can you trust ancient history?

Britannica – The Beatles

Articles to improve your understanding

Making History

Issues to think about,

  • Who writes history?
  • Who does not?
  • Can any history be written objectively?
  • Can you have enough evidence to provide proof?
  • If not, how can we ever develop judgements or opinions?
  • Do we need history? Who does, who does not? How and what is history used for?
  • Should we write history if it offends others, or if they disagree?
  • When is history? Who decides?
  • What was not recorded/ written down at the time?
  • Who or what is history written for?


Choose one of the following articles, read it and then try to answer some of the questions above. Your answers should be written/typed onto a mindmap and sent to me. The best analysis I will post onto this blog for others to learn from.

The British Empire

The Female Viking written out of history

China extends the Sino-Japanese war by six years

How history gets things wrong

Which history to teach in Australia

National Identity is made up

Student Presentations

Student Presentation – September 2020