14. HL Only Examinations: The People’s Republic of China (1949–2005)

November 2023:

May 2023: Mao’s social change to 1961 AND Emergence of Deng Xiaoping

November 2022: Education in Mao’s China AND Emergence of Deng Xiaoping

May 2022: China’s first Five-Year Plan AND Sino-American relations

November 2021: Consolidation of Mao AND economic policies of Deng Xiaoping

May 2021: Land reform and consolidation of power AND China’s global power

November 2020

November 2019: Impact of Cultural Revolution AND Jiang Zemin’s leadership

May 2019

November 2018

May 2018

November 2017

May 2017

May 2023

“There was significant social change under Mao Zedong up to 1961.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Discuss the reasons for the emergence of Deng Xiaoping as the leader of China.

November 2022

To what extent do you agree that changes in education were the most successful social
development of Mao’s China?

Discuss the reasons for Deng Xiaoping’s emergence to power following the death of Mao.

May 2022

To what extent did China’s First Five-Year Plan succeed in meeting its objectives?

Discuss the reasons for changes in Sino-American relations between 1949 and 1976.

November 2021

To what extent had Mao Zedong consolidated his rule in China by 1961?

“The economic policies of Deng Xiaoping were mainly successful.” To what extent do you
agree with this statement?

May 2021

“Land reform was the most important factor in the consolidation of the communist state
(1949–1961).” To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Evaluate the extent of China’s regional and global power between 1949 and 1976.

November 2020


November 2019

Discuss the social and political impact of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution on China up to 1976.

To what extent did the successes of Jiang Zemin’s leadership outweigh the failures?

May 2019

Evaluate the impact of domestic policies on social developments in the People’s Republic of China under Mao Zedong.

“Desire for political reform was the most important reason for the events in Tiananmen
Square in 1989.” Discuss.

November 2018

Discuss the reasons for, and consequences of, the changing nature of Sino-American relations.

To what extent was Deng Xiaoping a political and economic reformer in the years 1976 to 1997?

May 2018

Evaluate the role of the Gang of Four in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution between 1966 and 1976.

Discuss the successes and failures of Deng Xiaoping’s implementation of the Four Modernizations.

November 2017

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Mao’s social policies.

Discuss the reasons for, and the results for China of, the breakdown in Sino-Soviet relations by 1976.

May 2017

Discuss the reasons why Mao Zedong launched the Hundred Flowers campaign (1956).

To what extent were the aims of the Tiananmen Square demonstrators achieved?