12. HL Only Examinations: China and Korea (1910-1950)

May 2023: Long March AND Japanese rule in Korea to 1937

November 2022: Rise of communism before 1936 AND Japanese rule in Korea to 1945

May 2022: New Culture Movement AND Taiwan from 1947-50

November 2021: Yuan Shikai AND impact of Sino-Japanese War on the Chinese Civil War

May 2021: Yuan Shikai and Sun Yixuan AND outcome of the Chinese Civil War

November 2020: N/A

November 2019: Nanjing Decade AND impact of the First United Front

May 2019: Mao’s leadership to 1935 AND Japan’s rule of Korea from 1910 to 1937

November 2018: Impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Chinese identity AND result of the Chinese Civil War

May 2018: Nanjing Decade AND impact on Korea of the Sino-Japanese War

November 2017: Rise of Communism in China in the 1920s AND Japan’s rule of Korea

May 2017: Impact of May Fourth Movement AND Taiwan from 1947-50

“The Long March (1934–1935) made the most significant contribution to the rise of communism in China up to 1936.” Discuss.

Evaluate the political and economic impact of Japanese rule on Korea up to the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War.

November 2022

To what extent were economic conditions the main reason for the rise of communism in China by 1936?

Evaluate the social impact of Japanese rule in Korea up to 1945.

May 2022

Examine the contribution of the New Culture Movement and the effects of warlordism to the rise of national identity in China.

“The successful suppression of opposition was the most important reason for the establishment of Jiang Jieshi’s rule in Taiwan between 1947 and 1950.” Discuss.

November 2021

Discuss the impact of Yuan Shikai’s actions on the rise of national identity in China.

Evaluate the impact of the Sino-Japanese War on the Guomindang (GMD) and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

May 2021

Compare and contrast the contributions of Yuan Shikai and Sun Yixian to the rise of national identity in China.

“Political factors were more important than military factors in the communist victory in the Chinese Civil War (1946–1949).” Discuss.

November 2020


November 2019

To what extent can domestic policies during the Nanjing decade (1927–1937) be considered a failure?

Evaluate the impact of the First United Front on the Guomindang and the Chinese
Communist Party.

May 2019

Evaluate the role of Mao Zedong’s leadership in the rise of Communism in China to 1935.

Discuss the social, political and economic impact of Japanese annexation (1910) on Korea to 1937.

November 2018

Evaluate the contribution of the Treaty of Versailles (1919) to the rise of national identity in China.

To what extent did the mistakes of the Nationalists lead to their defeat in the Chinese Civil War (1946–1949)?

May 2018

“Jiang Jieshi’s domestic policies during the Nanjing decade (1927–1937) were largely successful.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?

With reference to the period up to 1950, evaluate the impact of the Sino-Japanese War, 1937–1945, on Korea.

November 2017

Discuss the factors that helped and hindered the rise of communism in China in the 1920s.

“Japanese rule of Korea had an entirely negative impact on Korea’s economy and society.”
To what extent do you agree with this statement?

May 2017

Evaluate the impact of the May Fourth movement (1919) on China.

“Brutal and a failure.” Discuss with reference to Jiang Jieshi’s rule in Taiwan up to 1950.