Student Services

The Student Services team is responsible for supporting teachers and students, specifically the learning, medical, social and emotional wellbeing and interests of all students within the IGBIS community. We work alongside teachers to promote a safe, healthy and meaningful learning environment for students where everyone can reach their own potential. Our team operates in three distinct but closely connected roles: Learning support, counseling and medical support.

Learning Support

IGBIS is committed to inclusion and inclusive teaching and learning practices. The Learning Support team is an integral part of the school and provides services from Early Years through to the Secondary School, with the aim of promoting independence and enabling children and students to access the curriculum in the mainstream classroom alongside their peers. Our team of professionals have qualifications, expertise and experience in a range of special educational needs including:

  • Specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia
  • Speech, language and communication delays and disorders
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders
  • Physical and sensory impairments
  • General literacy and numeracy delays and difficulties
  • Global Development Delays

In addition, our team works closely with external providers such as speech and occupational therapists. Our Learning Support staff are involved in the admissions process and parents are expected to provide relevant documentation and professional reports where required. While IGBIS is not a selective school, it should be noted that a placement depends on whether we are able to provide an excellent level of support and meet students’ needs within our current programmes.


The Counsellors at IGBIS, in collaboration with all members of the school community, advocate for and empower all students to maximise their personal, social-emotional and academic potential so that they can thrive and contribute in a positive way to the wider community and the world.

We believe that each student is unique, possessing intrinsic personal worth, and dignity. Individual and group counselling is available to address a range of student concerns, including assistance with conflict resolution and cultivating positive relationships with peers. The IGBIS counsellors extend and coordinate support services, in alignment with the standards and practices of the International School Counsellor Association (ISCA), to students and families. The nature of the counsellors’ work includes:

  • Transition to university guidance and support
  • Support and instruction in pastoral and wellness classes
  • Peer mediation
  • Social skills support
  • Advice and support for parents

Activities are designed to meet student’s immediate needs and concerns. Responsive services may also include counselling in individual or small-group settings or crisis response.

School Nurse and Medical Services

IGBIS seeks to ensure a healthy school environment where children are regarded as individuals whose emotional, social, cultural identities and values are respected.

The IGBIS school nurse can help with:

  • Administration of medications taken during school hours
  • Assessment/administration of first aid to injured students, along with staff training.
  • Medical support during camps and other school activities.
  • Dissemination of information to the school community regarding health care in Malaysia

Confidentiality for all those making use of IGBIS medical services is respected and ensured.