Secondary Student Council

The Secondary Student Council is a student-led programme giving students a stronger voice in many activities and events run within the school. Being a member of the Student Council give students the opportunity to work with other students and teachers throughout the entire school, and to see that the school grows and develops thanks to council initiatives. Council members are able to further develop many of the IB Learner Profile attributes and attitudes that will benefit them both throughout high school and in their lives beyond school, such as leadership, communication, enthusiasm, being principled, being balanced, cooperation, commitment, independence, being respectful, confidence, and being thinkers. Being a member of the Student Council is often highly regarded by universities when considering applications.

The Council consists of four Executive Committee member and one representative from each homeroom. One staff member supervises the council, and is available to mentor, encourage, assist with communications and ensure school policies are upheld.

Prior to nomination, Executive Committee members must seek formal approval from all of their subject teachers and parents, as the role is taken seriously and students are expected to devote a significant amount of time towards their role. Elections occur in October and run for one full year.

The student council is active throughout the year and regularly organises social events and Spirit Week activities and supports many other student-led initiatives. They have been instrumental in customising Learner Spaces and Student Lounges to suit the needs of the students, and worked with the leadership team towards conducting communications and assessment reviews in accordance with best practices.