Elementary Student Council

The Elementary Student Council is  a student-led programme which gives students a stronger voice in the school and their education by allowing students to take the lead in certain events and activities run throughout the year. Through the student council, representatives are able to further develop many of the Learner Profile attributes within themselves, including being risk-takers, inquirers, thinkers, communicators, caring and principled. Student Council also enhances their skills in leadership, confidence, cooperation and commitment.

Sixteen students make up the Elementary Student Council: 1 rep from each Grade 2 class, 2 reps from each Grade 3 and 4 class, and 3 reps from each Grade 5 class. Early in the school year, students interested in representing their grade prepare a short speech or presentation to the class about why they are a suitable candidate. Each class then votes for their desired representative.

Being a Student Council rep is an important role and reps take take this role seriously. They meet at least once in each 7-day cycle, and more frequently when preparing for events they are organising. They are involved in hosting whole-school events such as the Deepavali, Christmas and End-of-Year assemblies, Spirit Days and Book Week. They have established initiatives to create a more harmonious and inclusive environment for students, including raising money to purchase Friendship Benches for play areas throughout the school.