
The Arts play an integral role at IGB International School as a part of both the school curriculum from Early Years to the DP and in the Activities Programme. Arts are viewed as forms of expression that are inherent in all cultures, are a powerful means to assist in the development of the whole individual, are important for interpreting and understanding the world we live in and that students will help to shape in the future.

Visual Arts

IGBIS boasts five large, well-resourced Visual Art spaces. Extensive creative facilities include kilns, pottery wheels, an oil-paint room, a digital art studio equipped with lens-based media options and a separate elementary art studio. We also have a large exhibition gallery allowing students to exhibit and celebrate their work throughout the year.

There is no limit to students’ creative options. The curriculum at all levels focuses on the creative processes which include exploration, experimentation and realisation of students’ ideas and passions inherent to the IB philosophy. Specific techniques and skills are appropriately intertwined and explicitly taught through vertically aligned units of inquiry. These include research, analysis, innovation, interpretation, responding, and the application of skills.


Music at IGBIS is viewed as a powerful form of expression inherent in all cultures and is essential to the development of any child. It is a holistic and inclusive approach, where all students are actively involved in music-making, from composing, creating and performing speech, drama and dance from a young age. This exploration of music in all its forms continues for all students throughout the PYP and MYP programmes. In grades 9 and 10, students may elect to do Music to develop their skills and confidence in self-expression. They can also participate in an intensive study in preparation for electing to continue their music education in the DP.

Download Music Academy Booklet

Drama & Theatre

PYP students are exposed to drama and theatre through the PYP Music programme and through their Units of Inquiry. This allows the students an awareness and appreciation of different forms of performing art, the way in which the forms can be integrated and of dramatic self-expression. All MYP students continue this dramatic inquiry and exploration with increasing rigour and independence. In the later years of the MYP students can elect to undertake a year long Drama course for a more  extensive study of theatre traditions and practices and with increased opportunities to perform.  Grade 9 and 10 Drama courses also prepare students for IB Theatre. This continuum provides the opportunity for further study in Drama and Theatre at tertiary level, or for involvement in the Performing Arts in their adult years as a participant, designer or spectator. It also makes provision for the learning of transferrable creative, communication and collaborative skills linked to leadership, innovation and entrepreneurship.

At all grade-levels, IGBIS students are emboldened and supported to realise their expressive potential and demonstrate communication, collaboration and creative skills in cultural performances, drama and theatre productions and music performances throughout the year, from intimate studio recitals to large scale performances and assemblies in the IGBIS Theatre.