
A range of extra-curricular activities provides opportunities for students to participate in dance, music ensembles, drama and theatre productions as well as various visual art media. These enrichment activities are popular among the students and encourage them to hone their skills, work collaboratively and creatively, and to develop a lifelong love of music, performing arts and visual arts.


Aside from Music in the classroom, IGBIS offers choir, musicals and ensemble opportunities throughout the year. Performance opportunities are also provided throughout the year at cultural assemblies, school functions, concerts, classroom performances and studio recitals. These performances further develop students’ communication, collaborative and creative performance skills which are encouraged and fostered throughout the entire programme.

In addition, the IGBIS Instrumental Music Academy offers individual lessons with professional tutors. The aim of the Academy is to provide an opportunity for students to have individual or small group lessons with professional tutors and to foster the development of skills and a love of music making.

Dance, Drama & Theatre

Our IGBIS Dance, Drama, and Theatre activities provide a regular time and a place in a safe, purpose-built studio environment for the creation of youth-driven theatre. We endeavour to stimulate and challenge both actors and audience alike to digest new stories, ignite conversations and participate in a united and vibrant community.

In addition, our Performing Arts activities recognise the radical creative potential of youth — whether explored as an actor, dancer, singer, choreographer, director, technician, writer, composer, designer or spectator. At IGBIS, we value demonstrating what is possible when individuals from different ethnicities, genders, ages, social circumstances and cultural contexts come together and innovate with a shared sense of purpose. 

Visual Arts

The Visual Arts activities are a popular choice for students throughout elementary and secondary schools. From art club junior to pottery and learning more advanced artistic techniques, students are able to take advantage of the bright, spacious art studios to hone their skills. Visual arts students of all ages and abilities regularly play an active role in designing sets for theatre performances and showcasing their work around the school.