About This Site

In many ways, the project of redesigning and updating this website is a reflection of our core values as a community. 

The first thing we did was listen. The Website Redevelopment Committee, led by Adam Morris (IT Systems), sought feedback on where and how the previous website was or was not meeting the community’s expectations or needs. We relied on honest comments and took to heart what we were given. We realized we had to reconceptualize the website.

We needed to break up the project into two “Milestones.”

Milestone 1, completed in December 2018, was the following:

  • Refreshed and updated content to reflect the IGBIS of today
  • Revamped user interface that works on mobile as well as it works on our laptops and desktops

Milestone 2, to be completed in March 2019, will be:

  • Production-quality videos from the student’s point of view
  • Further expansion of content on selected topics
  • Integration with our other systems, such as Google and OpenApply
  • A new Splash Page

Our infrastructure is composed of the following elements:

  • WordPress for the underlying software, which includes an improved editor Gutenberg.
  • Hestia Pro Theme
  • Custom CSS, written by Classroom Tech Tools