
IGBIS sits on a 10-acre site. During the planning stage of the school, which is located outside the busy Sierramas and Valencia housing estates, safety and traffic flow was one of the primary concerns. To this end, IGB funded the widening of Jalan Sierramas Utama so that there were two lanes going in both directions, so that through traffic would not be hindered going towards Valencia. The internal lane also provides the school traffic direct entry into the school grounds. No student is dropped off outside the school as we have a two storey carpark which has 500 parking bays.

As well as our 24-hour security guards, IGBIS employs a Security Manager and two Auxiliary Policemen. All vehicles entering and leaving the school are verified by our security guards to ensure the safety of all people on the campus. Teachers, parents and students enter the school proper through turnstiles using their electronic ID tags and wristbands. These ID tags and wristbands are also needed to access certain sections of the school. Throughout the carpark and school building, numerous CCTV cameras are set up and monitored through the main Control Room and supervised by our Security Manager.