IGBIS Newsletter, Issue 304

Message From the Head of School

Hello IGBIS Community,

We hope that wherever you are, you are enjoying your holiday. A final newsletter for the 2021-22 school year with a few things to end on a feel-good note. Below you will find:

  • A video put together by Adi in Marketing, recapping many of the incredible events we were able to run this year;
  • An aerial photo of the in-person “8” that we were able to take a picture of to restart our tradition of a whole-school photo; and
  • Pictures from our newly created “Rock Garden” reminds us all that creating a sense of belonging and inclusion is a shared responsibility. 

Many thanks to everyone for making this year the best it could be as we moved through the pandemic and back into a sense of normalcy during the last six weeks of the school year. We anticipate keeping masks on in the new school year, but will restart buffet cafeteria service, a full sports and activities programme, and will only ask our community to conduct RTK’s following a holiday of more than four days instead of every Sunday night.

Looking forward to welcoming everyone back, but only after we have all had a bit of a rest. 

Be well,


IGBIS is 8 years old!