IGBIS Newsletter, Issue 275

As we start to see a more manageable future in terms of COVID-19’s impact across Malaysia, we are interested in gathering our community’s input on December break travel planning under different scenarios. While we are desperate to bring our students and staff back to campus as quickly as possible (with MOE approval) and remain face-to-face as much as possible, we also want to balance the needs of our families who may not have been able to see family and friends for some time, especially if that means overseas travel.

Teaching and learning are an absolute priority for us, but our community’s mental, social and emotional wellbeing is critically important as well so please complete the following survey to help us, help you.

Please note that all of these questions are to gather information, so please do not book travel plans until a final decision. The differences in the questions are subtle, so please read them carefully!

With thanks,

Jason McBride
Head of School

Simon Millward, Elementary School Principal

A big thank you to all of the teachers, parents and students who attended the virtual 3 Way/Parent-teacher conferences on Friday 8th October. If you have any follow up questions you may want to ask please contact the teacher directly by email.

We had a slight adjustment to our ES assembly this week as we held it on day 4 instead of our usual day 5 because of the conferences. It was packed with sharing from grade levels and single subjects which showcase the variety of learning happening both face to face and online.

The KG’s kicked off the assembly with some great sharing about the ‘Magic C, bookmaking and maths’. I loved the enthusiasm of the student who shared his book about bad choices and good choices. The fact that he said ‘I really like being an author and I can make books really well’ is fantastic.

Continuing on the writing theme the Chinese EY and KG classes shared the different ways that they are learning to write Chinese characters.

Grade 1 are lost! They shared their learning around how and why people use maps and this will form their inquiry over the next few weeks. Poor Ms. sally and Ms Ngatai were lost around school and the students tried to help them find their way. It wasn’t easy.

Now they could find their way- phew!.

Following on from the Grade 1’s was Design and this showed where the Grade 1’s had been learning further. All about making maps with different views. We also found out that the Grade 2’s are starting to learn all about plants and have been making terrariums. Mr Harvey has created one at school and we hope to see very soon what has grown when we come back face to face.

A great addition to our assemblies has been the introduction of activities. The Grade 5’s shared and showcased ‘word tennis’. I would love to hear from you if you have managed to play it. 5T started with ‘ocean’ and ended with a sandwich!

It is wonderful that our students are developing their writing skills and the Grade 3 students shared their ‘ish’ poetry. Based on the book ‘ish’ by Peter Reynolds. I have shared two examples…

Grade 3 have also been busy getting fit and having fun and they shared their pass the ball fun video.

Finally, the Grade 5’s shared their inquiry into music as they shared all about understanding new songs and what you need to do. They had a number of steps you would go through to learn how to play the full song of Seasons.

Reading the notes and then finally playing it.

The students were also reminded that next week we have the ‘Week of Play’

There will be daily read aloud, tasks and sharing hosted by Ms Aga and Mr Harvey as well as all the other regular class learning that happens.

Learning never stops at IGBIS and it is wonderful to see such variety and engagement.

Dates for your diaries

  • Week of play: 11th – 15th October: Celebrating 5 Years as an ‘Imagination Foundation Chapter’
  • 16th – 22nd Oct: School holiday.

Hello IGBIS Playing Community!

It’s been our absolute pleasure to have you playing, tinkering, making, designing, storytelling and engaging in so many other CREATIVE adventures with us over the last 5 years!

As we prep towards our 5th Week of Play – starting this Monday, October 11th, we would like to encourage you and your families to browse through our website that offers photos, videos and play resources collected across the last 4 years of playing together.

This website will also be your go-to (alongside Toddle), all throughout next week, for playful activities and challenges designed around our playful themes:

  • Maker Monday
  • Tinkering Tuesday
  • Wet Wednesday
  • Thinking Thursday
  • Fun-tastic Friday

We hope to see and hear from you via Toddle, messages and email to celebrate our commitment to PLAY, CREATIVITY and INNOVATION together.


Yours Playfully,
Ms Aga and Mr Harvey

October 10th is World Mental Health Day.  What does this mean?  The main objective is to raise awareness of mental health around the world, and what needs to be done to make it a reality for people all around the world.  

Let’s start with “What is mental health”?  Some people call it “emotional health” or well being.  (and it is just as important as physical health).  All of us have felt down or stressed at some point in our lives, and most of the time those feelings pass.  Your mental health doesn’t always stay the same, and it will vary depending on circumstances.  However, there are times when it develops into a more serious problem.  There is still a stigma attached to mental health problems, although this is becoming less as more people are educated about it.  

What can you do to take care of your mental health or to help someone out?  First, talk about your feelings – it’s not a sign of weakness, but taking charge of your well being.  If you are struggling, find someone to talk to.  If someone you know is struggling, listen to them.  Other things you can do to make you feel better:  Exercise and eat healthily.  This will lead to better sleep which helps you feel better.   Another key to mental health is relationships.  Our sense of community has been virtual at best.  We need to get back to seeing and helping others.  Being involved with school helps build the school community.

These websites have links to activities that families can review and discuss together



Many people do not like to talk about their feelings, but it’s healthy to know and say how you are feeling.  COVID-19 has really taken a toll on many people’s mental health and has isolated us.  If you need someone to talk to our IGBIS school counsellors are:

John Schuster
Elementary School Counsellor

Leanne Harvey
Middle School Counsellor

Tim Howe
High School Counsellor

Each year on October 4th, the world celebrates our wonderful animals with, World Animal Day. This day is celebrated in different ways in every country,  irrespective of nationality, religion, faith or political ideology. The purpose of the day is to not only celebrate all the beautiful creatures of our animal kingdom, including your very cute pets but to also increase awareness and education for animal welfare.
The students, teachers and staff at IGBIS got involved with a variety of optional activities. Some of us creatively made our favourite animal in our “Creative Creatures Challenge”, some wrote a pledge to protect the animals while others shared photos of their adorable pets at home. You can take a sneak peek at what some of us completed on our World Animal Day Padlet. Aren’t they great?

28th September-1st October

By Ruth Spracklan, Athletics Director

The students below reached the leaderboard, congratulations! 

Speed Bounce

  • Girls (Age 10-11): 2nd Place – Grace (72)
  • Girls (Age 14-15): 3rd Place – Ruofei (47)


  • Boys (Age 12-13): 2nd Place – Nick B (12)

Jump Rope

  • Boys (Age 10-11): 3rd Place – Aaron (168)
  • Boys (Age 12-13): 1st Place – Ryo (210)
  • Boys (Age 16-18): 2nd Place – Amir (130)

Wall Throw

  • Girls (Age 10-11): 1st Place – Alice (71)
  • Girls (Age 12-13): 2nd Place – Aveesha (70)
  • Girls (Age 14-15): 2nd Place – Licia (70)

Keepy Uppys

  • Boys (Age 12-13): 3rd Place – Ilyas (80)
  • Boys (Age 14-15): 1st Place – Zak (117)

Figure of 8

  • Boys (Age 10-11): 2nd Place – Go (41)
  • Girls (Age 10-11): 2nd Place – Phan (37)
  • Boys (Age 12-13): 3rd Place – Rumi (41)
  • Boys (Age 16-18): 3rd Place – Amir (38)

Congratulations to our athletes listed above! Keep those entries coming IGBIS, let’s work our way up the leaderboards!

IGBIS is having an Open Day and we need your help to spread the news and tell your friends and neighbours to join us! For more information on our Open Day, please click HERE.