IGBIS Newsletter, Issue 236

Anne Fowles, Head of School

Selamat Hari Malaysia!

One of the highlights this week was the Malaysia Day Assembly. I hope that you were able to watch it live or see the recording afterwards. Thank you to the Elementary school and the Host Nation teachers for organising the assembly, the IT staff, particularly Mr Steve and Mr Adam for organising the live streaming and all of the students who took part. The elementary school students enjoyed being in the theatre again to watch a movie edition of the assembly.

We were very happy to welcome six more of our new teachers into school this week following their quarantine; Mr Craig Morgan (MYP/DP Design), Mrs Maria Morgan (MYP/DP English), Mrs Maria Jose Mora (MYP Design), Mr John Schuster (E.S. Counsellor), Ms Nikki Hapara (Gr 3), Ms Sarah Lumley (Gr 2). Hopefully, it won’t be too much longer until Mrs Mora, Mr Schuster and Ms Hapara will have their partners join them as they are still waiting for their employment passes to be approved.

Simon Millward, ES principal

Thank you to the Host Nation and Bahasa Malaysia team for coordinating our first virtual whole school assembly. I have to say I learned a lot from the assembly. Even though this is my 7th year at IGBIS I can safely say that I have a lot to learn about Malaysia still- isn’t that exciting! The theme of ‘Malaysia cares’ was very appropriate. Living in these unusual times, the community is so important. Helping each other and those less fortunate has to be our goal as we strive to make the world (near and far) a better place.

I hope that everyone had an enjoyable Malaysia day family celebration on Wednesday. 

The Elementary school had an assembly of a different kind this week which focused on our single subject classes. It is great to see the students so engaged in a variety of classes. Being balanced and developing rounded individuals is so important. Being creative, fit and active, learning other languages and about our host country Malaysia should be celebrated. What is more, it is valuable for students to see how all of these areas connect to each other, they are not separate but integral parts.

This week we have been making some changes to our play areas. We have been experimenting with using the field whilst staying socially distant and safe. The children have been enjoying being outside. We do need your help as students need to be wearing a hat for their own health and safety. Please ensure they have one in their bag that they can leave at school. Make sure that your child’s name is written somewhere on it, so if it is left somewhere we can reunite your child with it.

Dates for your diaries

  • Thursday 8th October: 3 Way/Parent-teacher conferences. More information about this day including booking will be sent out soon.
  • 26th – 30th October: School holiday

On a warm and sunny Tuesday afternoon of 15th September 2020, fellow students, teachers and administrative staff were greeted to an educational yet entertaining presentation of Malaysia’s multiracial footprint, diverse arts, rich cultures and savoury cuisine in commemoration of the 57th anniversary of the formation of Malaysia and unity of its people via a virtual assembly. 

Marking a first-of-its-kind digitalised whole-school assembly at IGBIS, the session was proudly brought to us all by our elementary school pupils, led by the Host Nation and Bahasa Malaysia Team. Kudos for the effort and job well done!