IGBIS Newsletter | Issue 188

Dear IGBIS Parents and Community Members,

This week we said farewell to our Grade 12 students in a special assembly that highlighted their individual and collective talents. Many staff members have said what a very special group of students they are; high achievers, talented in a plethora of ways, innovative, highly committed, creative, responsible and caring community builders. They exemplify everything about the IGBIS mission and leave a legacy of new initiatives for others to build on. We wish them the very best as they prepare for their IB Diploma examinations. A huge thank you to Ms Kim and the students who assisted with the assembly.

Mrs Anne Fowles | Head of School

The Grade 12 students started their study leave today in grand style, with a wonderful Farewell Assembly prepared by Ms Kim and the Grade 11 students. The Grade 12 performances at the end of the assembly highlighted what a wonderful group they have been, in their actions and as role models in our school community. We wish them well as they prepare for their exams and look forward to seeing them at Graduation on May 31st.

We had a very nice Kopitiam this week, which is always helpful for us as a school (and myself in particular) to have an opportunity to listen carefully to parents and reflect on why they choose an IB education for their children. It was very clear to me that parents want something different than the education they received, which is a good, strong statement of support for our efforts as we continually reflect on how we educate for the future, keeping students at the centre of and in charge of their learning, and empowering them to be their very best. I am continually grateful to our parents for their support and commitment to coming to the Kopitiams. I encourage anyone who hasn’t come before to please do, and be part of the discussion.

We have several activities on this weekend with the Student Council Social “Neon Nightfall” and the World Scholar’s Cup trip to Penang. Looking into next week we will host our Student Led Conferences (SLC) on April 27th. This is one of my favourite days of the year, and is a true celebration of student learning. Parents will receive their appointment times early next week. Please be reminded that students should be in uniform for their SLC.

Enjoy your weekend,

Michael Arcidiacono |Secondary School Principal

This week has yet again been a busy one. We started off the week on Tuesday with the Early Years assembly performance which showcased some great learning that is happening.

Following the assembly the Grade 3 to Grade 5 students took turns to visit Anu Sethi who is a local visiting author. She talked to the children about what it takes to write a book from the initial idea to completing the book. The emphasis was on the writing process and the need to edit, edit and edit! It was fascinating to hear about how the books were printed and how the initial first sample cover was modified from a matt finish to a glossy finish. All the students agreed that the final product looked the best.

The Grade 5 students have been working tirelessly on the PYP Exhibition as this was the final full week of preparation. They have three days to wrap everything up next week before they share their learning on Thursday 25th and Friday 26th April. We hope you will be able to come and support our Grade 5 students next week.

On Thursday the Grade 3 students held their ‘Healthy Living Expo’. It was wonderful to see so many parents in the classrooms listening to the students as they shared their learning. Finally the Grade 3 students had their overnight experience on Friday as they embarked on their field trip to District 21 and returned to school to sleepover. A big thank you to all the teachers involved in supporting the Grade 3 students this week.

You will have by now received the email and booking for the Student Led Conferences being held on Saturday 27th April from 8.30 – 1.00pm. We look forward to welcoming you to this wonderful community event.

Dates for your diaries

  • Thursday 25th & Friday 26th April: IB PYP Exhibition
  • Saturday 27th April: Student Led Conferences (8.30 – 1.00pm)
  • 1st May: Labour Day holiday
  • 2nd May: Duathlon

Simon Millward |Elementary School Principal

Staff Appreciation Day is coming up on Friday, 3 May and traditionally, a potluck lunch is organised by the parents for the teachers and staff. We are IGBIS parents Suzana Tan and Preeti Raghunath and we have offered to help in organising this year’s lunch.

If you would like to participate by contributing food or beverages please inform either one of us or your class/grade representative of your contribution. It can be a savoury, vegetarian or dessert item, or even hot or cold beverages. Please make sure foods are nut- and pork-free. Label beef/chicken/lamb accordingly and prepare enough to serve approximately 6-8 people. Plates, cups, mugs and cutlery will be provided by the school. For your reference, there are about 150 staff members in total, including kitchen, security and cleaning staff.

All contributions should be dropped off on the 3rd of May at Level 5 Reception from 7:30-8:15am or from 11:00-11:30am.  It is important that all items are delivered before 11:30am, as the lunch will be served at 12:00pm sharp to cater to our our male Muslim staff, who attend Friday prayers.

Food and beverages will not be reheated or refrigerated, so please arrange the drop off accordingly. The class representatives will help decorate the staff lounge, collect, serve and clean up on this day.

Thank you in advance for your kind attention.

We had an exciting visit from local children’s author Anu Sethi on Tuesday this week. Ms. Sethi had a busy schedule presenting to the students in grades 3-6 and signing copies of her first book, Ride to the Moon. Students asked questions and developed a better understanding of the entire process it takes to go from an idea on paper to the beautiful, shiny book of Ms. Sethi’s that they held in their hands. Many students were surprised to hear the story took over nine years to develop and two more years of editing before Ms. Sethi was ready to publish. It definitely put the writing process students undertake in class into perspective. Thank you Ms. Sethi for taking the time to visit IGBIS and for sharing your incredible achievement.

Kerri Chan |Whole School Librarian

Isa Mohd Faud and his U12 football team Titan United won the Air Asia Junior League Division A last weekend. There are 6 teams in the top division and teams play each other twice (home/away). Over the course of the season Titan United won 9 out of their 10 games, with the team securing their league title on Sunday with a 3-0 win. Huge congratulations to Isa and the Titan United team!

Ruth Spracklan |Athletics Director

There are just a few places left for the Nepal service trip. Contact Ms. Chotard as soon as possible to secure your place on this memorable trip.