Application Process

We are pleased that you are considering enrolling your child at IGBIS. The IGBIS school year consists of 2 semesters. The first semester commences in mid-August and the second semester at the start of February. It is recommended that students apply early to start school at IGBIS in the first semester; however, places may be available later for students whose families relocate at a different time of year.

Step One – Application

To apply for admission to IGBIS please submit a full application. We prefer that all candidates submit an online application.

IGBIS Required Documentation

It is suggested that digital copies of each document be prepared in advance. Please use the following checklist as a guide to submitting the required documentation:

  1. Application Form (online or paper)
  2. Application Fee (RM 1000)
  3. Medical Form (online or paper)
  4. Copies of school reports for the previous 24 months. A certified English translation is required for reports not originally issued in English.
  5. A colour copy of the applicant’s passport (personal details page and visa page) or a MyKad/My Kid for a Malaysian student. For students who do not have a passport or MyKid, a copy of the applicant’s birth certificate.
  6. Colour copies of parents’/guardians’ passport (personal details page and visa page) or a MyKad for Malaysians.
  7. A recent passport-style photo of each applicant (uploaded in the Application Form).
  8. Recent passport-style photos of each parent/legal guardian (uploaded in the Application Form).
  9. Any documentation relating to additional services your child is receiving or has received over the past 5 years. For example, an IEP/ISP; educational-psychological evaluation; speech and language reports; OT reports; etc.

Please ensure that the documents are labelled in a way that describes the content. Examples include: Azlan Ali – Report Card – Semester 1 – 2020–2021.pdf; Huang Mei – Passport.jpg; Elaine Jones – photo.png

You are encouraged to make your application package as complete as possible. We will contact you if further information is required. Please note, all prospective students must have submitted a completed Application Form, Medical Form, and all required documentation before their application can progress to the next stage of the Admissions process.

Parents/Guardians will be notified once the student’s complete application and documents have been received.

Step Two – Interview and Assessment

After an initial review of the application, your child may be invited to undertake an admissions assessment and to have an interview with the respective Elementary School or Secondary School Principal. You will be asked to accompany your child to the interview.

If you are are overseas, the Principals will conduct a Skype interview and you will need to arrange for an administrator in your child’s current school to invigilate the IGBIS online admissions assessments (from Grade 3 to 11).

Step Three – Admissions Decision

The Admissions Committee will review your child’s complete application and assessment and make a decision about acceptance to IGBIS. You will then be advised of the Admissions Committee’s decision, the grade level placement and start date.

Step Four – Acceptance

If your child is offered a place, we will issue you a letter of acceptance with the following requirements:

  1. Deadline of enrolment (usually 2 weeks)
  2. Return of signed Terms and Conditions form
  3. Payment of the Enrolment Fee and tuition fee schedule of payment

Step Five – Enrolment

The Admissions Office will send further details about orientation and the start of school, calendar, laptop purchase (for Secondary School students) and uniforms.