
In our mission to empower students to be caring and global citizens, service ignites their mind about the world around them, on a global, national and community level.

Service in Secondary School covers Service and Action in the Middle Years Programme, Service in the Diploma Programme, and Service Learning in the Career-related Programme. Service covers identifying a real need in the community and acting on that need, inspiring students to contribute positively to the local and global community and develops student leadership in tackling global issues, encouraging communication and open-mindedness.

Service day trips for MYP students include helping at a community garden, a soup kitchen, and an animal refuge. DP students have participated in the Nepal Project and Build a home Project, as well as leading events such as the 24 hour race KL and Eos Mun.

Through their engagement with service, students:

  • Become more aware of their own strengths and areas for growth;
  • Undertake challenges that develop news skills;
  • Discuss, evaluate and plan student-initiated activities;
  • Persevere in action;
  • Work collaboratively with others;
  • Develop international-mindedness through global engagement, multilingualism and intercultural understanding; and
  • Consider the ethical implications of their actions.