
Imagination plays a role in all learning and allowing students to explore their passions helps to spark their imagination, stay focused, increase productivity and learn better. Everyone has a passion, even if they’re not quite sure what it is yet, and time set aside for Innovation helps students discover those passions and turn their imagination into creative reality.

All students in the MYP are allocated a portion of each seven day learning cycle for Innovation time, where they are encouraged to explore their passions. Students begin with an idea or a question which they research, explore, test and which ultimately adds value to the greater community as well as to their learning. Teachers are on hand to offer advice and direction, to keep students on track and be supportive, but students are otherwise controlling their learning. They create, share, celebrate, inspire, excite, enthuse, disrupt the status quo, and innovate.

The projects that are currently underway include creating websites, learning new languages, inventing a new sport and honing skills in the kitchen.